Ashley's Luscious Lips
*Ashley doesn't recommend silicone injections, she says that although she has had no problems thus far, there is not enough proof of its safety and efficacy. Good Luck!*
I have been obsessed with lips since the first time I saw Angelina Jolie. I had these very small, puny, birdlike lips. I mean tiny. Basically, I had NO LIPS! I always tried to make them look bigger by "drawing" them on...You know, outlining my lips to the point where they looked almost clown-like.
I was wanting to do something more permanent and not so outrageous looking (read on, you will see that I totally forgot about this). So while surfing on the Internet, I searched on "Lip Augmentation"- and up popped this site! This was the best site I ran across and by far the most useful. Boy, am I glad I found it.
I started out just reading and looking at the pictures in the gallery. I found one thing that "jumped" out at me..... The lips I most wanted had one common bond...They were done with Silicone.
Taboo? Yes, I know. Scary? You bet. I wondered how someone could put silicone in their lips, and so I started asking questions on the site. I was very well received and was invited to call "birdy," whom also had Silicone, to discuss the pro's and con's of her experience. She was very sweet and gave me the whole story.
I was told by lots to look around and consider other options. I did, since I was frightened by the "Silicone Scare." I looked into lip lifts, I did collagen-which lasted me a few DAYS, and I looked into Gore-Tex implants. However, the results were not what I wanted or there were no surgeons I wanted or trusted. I had my Plastic Surgeon and I wanted to stay with him, and since he was more into Breast Augmentation, I asked him about the Silicone and since he did not do them he suggested who did.
I'll tell you....I was so nervous, I was having panic attacks and just plain freaking out over my decision to have silicone done. I was afraid I would end up on the Channel 5 news at 9 under the headline "Vanity caused this woman's lips to look like two hotdogs"...But, then came the calm after the storm. I met with the lady who did my lips and she was very thorough and explained to me step by step what she was going to do.
The big day was here: June 27th 2001, I went to the office where I was having them done and I was numbed up. The worst part was seeing the needle. Even though they were very small and I was pretty numb, there was still a small pressure when the needle was inserted. She injected 2 cc's of the Medical Grade Silicone into my top lip and the 1cc into the bottom lip. She then proceeded to "massage" the silicone for what seemed like eternity (see, I had bruised from the popping of prior collagen when she injected me, so the massage hurt like hell)...But she assured me this needed to be done and told
me that she needed to do this so that the scar tissue knew where to grow.
So then it was over, and I left bruised and swollen...but even under all that crap I only saw one thing...Big, beautiful lips... I had my ice pack and I was good to go.
The next morning I woke up horrified. THE SILICONE HAD DISAPPEARED! I had done it all for nothing, or so I thought! I was told to relax and give my scar tissue time to grow, and it did. Over the next month my lips grew from the puny, swizzle sticks they were into big, full, pouty lips I have come to love and adore. If you want silicone, do your homework, make sure it is for
you. Have it done by a professional, not your hairdresser. Beware of "cheap" silicone, and ALWAYS insist on Medical grade. There are a lot of shady characters out there who will disappear when something goes wrong.
To date, I have had NO problems with my Silicone. Of course with Silicone, there is always a possibility of something going wrong. But then again, there is a possibility that I will be stuck by a speeding bus while crossing the street, but does that mean I will never cross the street again? Of course not. I love my Silicone and am getting more in a week.
Before & Afters, Plus Close-ups
One Year Post
Move over, Angelina. |
#126 in the Gallery |