My First Collagen Injections

After I had my rhinoplasty I was determined to have larger lips - once it starts you can't stop LOL! Anyway I went to have bovine collagen as a try on before I went with anything permanent so off I went to Dr. Jeffrey Friedman's office in Lafayette, CA.

My injector was a nurse named Paula; Paula told me I needed to get a collagen "test" to determine if I was a candidate. To determine if you are eligible for collagen treatments your doctor will inject a small amount of collagen into your forearm (I had mine injected about 2 in. below the inner crook of my arm) just below the skin's surface. I was instructed to watch the injection site closely for FOUR WEEKS for signs of inflammation (red, swelling, itchiness, etc.) The majority of test reactions occur within the first 3 days, but it CAN happen anytime within this time frame. About 1 in every 100 tested patients have a negative reaction and cannot be treated with injectable collagen.

All turned out fine s I went back in about 4 - 6 weeks for the real deal. I was excited!! Now, I am not going to lie to you... these injections can hurt like a %$#%* if you get an inexperienced injector, I am serious. Experience now teaches me that Paula was killing me (not literally, I mean pain wise) with each injection. What we women will do to look our best.

I know that Zyderm injectable has a small amount of Lidocaine that helps numb the area temporarily. But it hurts up until that part. There are approximately 10 - 12 injection sites into the vermilion border of your lips for an average "enhancement session", so these will hurt...BUT! after the Lidocaine does its job (practically immediately) when the collagen nurse or doctor goes back for touch ups guess what! You don't feel a thing!

After a bit of collagen is injected into your lip the doctor/nurse has about a 3-7 second window to "massage" your lip and smooth out the collagen within before it hardens up. Yes, I said harden. I didn't know this when I went in and still didn't 'get it' until the next day when I noticed I had 'little rocks" in my lips!!! ) Too late!!! Now, remember the collagen is suspended in saline so they inject more than it looks like you could ever need or want. Half of it is saline so you will look like a fish for about 2 to 4 hours until your body absorbs the saline. The swelling did eventually subside. But it did augment and it did look pretty darn good (with the exception of a few minor bruises at the injection sites).

As with all things there are downsides. First, it doesn't last... I don't care what they tell you. They say it lasts typically a month to 6 months and in rare instances up to 10 months. Oh yeah? In who? A cow??? Our bodies basically don't claim the collagen as our own and immediately we start 'breaking it down'. Truthfully it lasted in me about a month, maybe a little more. And expensive!!!

It cost me $365.US for the first round and about $175.US for the next (touch ups). Roughly working out to be $300.00 for 1.0 cc, $400.00 for 1.5 cc, and $500.00 for 2.0 cc

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30 min. after
30 min. after
30 min after
(still no clue on the eyebrow shading & notice how crooked the tip
of my nose was from the swelling of the rhinoplasty- 1.5 mo. post-op)