Collagen & Perlane Over Gore-TexI didn't have enough time or money to go back and get Perlane before Boobapalooza Viva Las Vegas so I went to my beautiful collagen nurse Irene Khoroshansky, R.N. in Lafayette, California. I needed a little more oomph in my lower lip and only a hair more in my upper so off I went. It didn't hurt this time -- I guess collagen IS really injector dependent because every time I went to my last injector it hurt like crazy. She just gave me a little rocket pop to ice it down and then started to inject. Away we go... The below photo is with Gore-Tex 3 mm tubes to upper and lower, 1 cc Perlane and 1 cc collagen. I had 1 cc of collagen injected on June 17 (in addition to the 1 cc Perlane on June 11) in my lower vermilion and part of the fleshy area of the top lip. I *needed* more augmentation since I was going out of town for a suite get together. The collagen isn't the best thing in the world, but it is both cheaper and bruises less in my case. Swelling is minimal after the saline absorbs into the body. Read my first collagen injection journal for detailed information about this procedure. |